Tweet 2020

Tweet 2020 was the product of a recent hackathon I did with some classmates. The theme was the upcoming US presidential election. We decided to create a React app that scrapes Tweets from the top presidential candidates as a fun way to engage younger voters

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Node

Project Repo

Travel Blog

This project was an attempt at making a social media website for people interested in travel. Each user can make their own public profile page, leave posts describing their experiences with a certain city and comment on others posts.

Login info account: jstone password: django1234

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JSX, Python, Django

Project Repo


This project is essentially a yahoo answers clone. Users can create an account, post questions and leave answers to questions.

Login info account: password: 1234

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, Express, MongoDB

Project Repo

Virtual Pet

This is my attempt at making a Tamagotchi style virtual pet with a bit of a twist. The pet you are taking care of is a transdimensional demon trying to devour our world. Raise the conduit to maturity and try to avoid the suspicions of the towns people.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS and Javascript

Project Repo